About us

Kami dari Miri, Sarawak. Baru berjinak-jinak dlm biz online. Not to worry eventhough saya di Miri, segala urusan penghantaran boleh dilakukan, InsyaAllah.

Delivery charges are as follows:

1. Free Delivery utk area Miri.

2. Add in MINIMAL of RM 5 utk Sabah/Sarawak (bergantung pada berat yg telah ditetapkan oleh Poslaju/Pos Malaysia)

3. Add in MINIMAL of RM 10 for Semenanjung Malaysia

** Please refer to www.pos.com.my for more details regarding the postage and handling.

And of course still can be negotiated as the more you purchased :)

You can either email/sms/or comment if you are interested with our goods.

Kalau tak nak beli apa2 pun tak pe, kita share cerita2 kita kat sini pun boleh. Please view my other pages. :)

Phone: 013 812 4190 (Emran)
Email: mama_fatihah@yahoo.com

FB: Emran Khan

Thank you dan salam ukhuwah.

Ordering Form

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Pembayaran melalui: Maybank2u
CIMB click
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