Drink it. Feel it. Share it. MonaVie™

on Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Anda mengalami Penyakit Kronik??

1. Kencing manis

2. Sakit jantung / Strok

3. Kanser

4. Ghout

5. Dan lain-lain

Pernahkah Anda Memakan 19 Jenis Buah-Buahan Dalam Masa Sehari?

MonaVie merupakan 1 jenama jus yang unggul di dunia. Jus gabungan 19 jenis buah-buahan ini memberikan kepada anda kesihatan yang optimum.

Jus ini mampu mencegah penyakit dan jika jus ini diambil secara berterusan, ia mampu membantu anda merawat penyakit kronik dgn menggantikan sel yang rosak dgn sel baru. Jus ini mengandungi antioksidan yang tinggi untuk menghapuskan radikal bebas.

MonaVie merupakan 1 jenama jus yang unggul di dunia. Jus gabungan Acai Berry + 18 jenis buah-buahan ini memberikan kepada anda kesihatan yang optimum.

Patent jus MonaVie telah menelan belanja R & D bernilai USD150 juta. Ini menjadikannya sebagai satu jenama yang berkualiti tinggi.

With today's diet lacking the benefit found in nature's fresh fruits, and with most adults consuming fewer than the five servings per day that experts recommend, MonaVie™ sought fruit with the richest pigments for their peak levels of natural goodness. The search culminated in the discovery of a largely unknown fruit- the Brazilian acai berry. The acai berry boost a broad spectrum of phytonutrients, making it the perfect foundation for the MonaVie™ blend.
With the philosophy of Balance-Variety-Moderation in mind, MonaVie™ created a beverage that offers a taste with a difference. The result is an invigorating and refreshing drink that promotes well-being.
RM 145 per bottle

MonaVie Original™ is a mouthwatering fusion of the Brazilian açai berry and 18 other delicious fruits.

•Supports your body with the goodness of the Amazon.

•Designed for those who want a convenient way to add a variety of fruits to their daily diets.

•Contains açai, one of nature's prized possessions.

•Can be enjoyed at any age—young and old.

•An intelligent choice for those with a busy lifestyle.

Serving size: 30 ml

Energy: 85 kJ
Carbohydrate: 4 g
Total Sugars: 3 g
Protein: 0.2 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Monounsaturated: 0.12 g
Polyunsaturated: 0 g
Saturated: 0 g
Trans Fatty Acid: 0 g                                    

Discover a simple and convenient way to help meet some of your body's needs. MonaVie Pulse™ features a delicious blend of 19 fruits, including the Brazilian açai berry, and plant sterols. Enjoy the mouthwatering goodness of MonaVie Pulse.

•Helps you take charge of your well being by providing essential goodness for your body.

•Designed for easy absorption.

•A refreshing addition to a varied and well rounded diet, which is an important part of a balanced lifestyle.

•Freeze-dried açai preserves the value of the berry.

  • Drink 60 ml of MonaVie Pulse twice daily. One serving (60 ml) provides 0.4 grams of plant sterols.
  • Açai remains the crown jewel and is the primary ingredient in MonaVie Pulse. The amount of açai in MonaVie Pulse is equivalent to the amount found in MonaVie.
  • Plant sterols, often called phytosterols, are naturally occurring fats found in plants. Açai does contain some phytosterols. They are found in MonaVie, but we have added more plant sterols to MonaVie Pulse.
  • Concord grape, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, elderberry, yumberry, and tart cherry were identified for their antioxidant content, especially polyphenols. Native to the Amazon Rainforest, cupuaçu has been praised as one of the next great fruits. Pineapple and prickly pear have been added to enhance the flavour of MonaVie Pulse.
  • If you are pregnant or lactating and have a specific concern or question about consuming MonaVie Pulse, we recommend you consult with your physician prior to consuming the product.
  • MonaVie goes to great lengths to ensure its products are safe. MonaVie employs rigorous testing to ensure its products meet its pre-determined high quality standards for safety and purity. However, despite our confidence in the safety of MonaVie Pulse, MonaVie does not replace the advice of a physician.
  • Although MonaVie products are safe for consumption as food products, you should consult with your physician if you are concerned about ingredient contraindications.
  • MonaVie Pulse is targeted for men and women who want a convenient way to add a variety of fruits and plant sterols to their diet.
Serving Size: 60 ml

Energy: 188 kJ
Carbohydrate: 8g
Total Sugars: 7 g
Total Fat: 0.6 g
Monounsaturated: 0.33 g
Polyunsaturated: 0.10 g
Saturated: 0.15 g
Trans Fatty Acid: 0 g

Harga: RM 135 per bottle

Monavie mengandungi: ACAI Berry

Many forms of life in the Amazon depend upon the açai berry as a key food source. Historically, the açai berry has been a vital part of the culture among indigenous tribes. Açai palm trees grow mostly in floodplains. Due to frequent flooding and intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, açai trees are constantly subjected to oxidative stress. The highly adaptive açai palm trees have flourished in these extreme conditions to produce an extraordinary fruit that stands out in the world of fruits.

At the heart of MonaVie’s blend is a philosophy of Balance-Variety-Moderation. With hundreds of fruits found in nature, MonaVie didn’t want to emphasize only one at the expense of others. In their final form, MonaVie™ products feature a unique blend of colorful, mouthwatering fruits from around the world. Together, they offer more than any single fruit could. We believe the additional fruits selected for our blend are the perfect complement to our crown jewel, the açai berry. Includes Concord grape, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, elderberry, yumberry, tart cherry, prickly pear, and pineapple.

Offering an exquisite blend of exotic fruits from around the world, MonaVie synergistically combines nature and science to deliver the refreshing taste of Amazon goodness to your doorstep. MonaVie is a flavorful blend of the Brazilian açai berry—one of nature’s prized possessions—and 18 other mouthwatering fruits. MonaVie products are an intelligent choice for those who lead a busy lifestyle and want to add a variety of colorful fruits to their daily diets. Treat your taste buds to MonaVie today!

The fact and research

Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in lab, UF study shows.
Filed under Research, Health, Sciences, Agriculture on Thursday, January 12, 2006.

Gainesville, Fla.- A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida study, one of the first to investigate the fruit's purpoted benefits.

Published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study showed extracts from acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, said Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with UF's Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences.


I am 56 year old former nurse who was sufferred from serious, chronic low back pain and sciatica since I was 29, I was morphine injections (30mgs, 5 a day) and oxycontin (40mgs, 3 a day).. I was introduced to the Acai Blend only recently and have had amazing results. I noticed within a week that my pain level had reduced by 80% and I was using hardly any morphine ....
Susan Allen, Melbourne Australia

Puan Esmawaty Mohd Yatim (014-666 5846)
Seorang peniaga dari KL. Mengalami kecederaan di hujung tulang belakang setelah tergelincir di bilik mandi. Selama 3 minggu dia menanggung kesakitan dan tidaktidur lena. Terpaksa makan pain-killer selama 4 minggu kerana sakit berlanjutan di bahagian pinggang dan tulang rusuk belakang. Kesan kesakitan hilang selepas minum MonaVie selama 4 hari.

Dr Linclon Lim (04-229 8686) dari Penang.
Seorang pesakit kencing manis. Tahap gula jatuh dari 6.4 kepada 4.1 dalam masa 2 hari.

Puan Ong Sway Poh dari Penang, 48 tahun. (016 498 4972)
Dalam bulan Mei 2008, beliau dijangkiti virus melalui luka pada badan menyebabkannya demam panas yang berpanjangan sehingga dimasukkan ke wad ICU. Beliau berasa terlalu lemah selepas keluar dari hospital. Selepas minum MonaVie untuk satu minggu, beliau lebih bertenaga dan sihat.

Puan Loh Kim Mui (017 362 1543)
Seorang suri rumahtangga yang menghidapi sakit sendir-sendi (Arthiritis) selama 13 tahun. Beliau berasa kesakitan telah kurang dengan ketaranya selepas minum MonaVie selama 1 minggu.

Encik Ling HC (016 263 7191), 26 tahun
Seorang jurujual yang menghidapi penyakit kulit semenjak 6 tahun lepas. Bahagian parut-parut yang gatal telah menjadi kering dan sembuh, selepas minum separuh botol MonaVie.

Encik YT Chua (012 502 3813)
"Saya berasa pening setiap kali bangun dari duduk atau posisi yang rendah. Walaupun mencuba pelbagai cara tetapi keadaan masih tidak berubah namun keadaan berubah selepas minum jus buah-buahan MonaVie, rasa pening terus hilang, terima kasih MonaVie.

  1. Eye sight improved after 8 days (Ong Tin Soo) 70 years old.
  2. Dry eyes for 4 years and depends on tears natural eye drop. After taking MonaVie for one month consistently eye can generate natural tears and no longer use artificial eye drop. (Hannah Quah)
  3. Cancer tumor shrank with MonaVie Juice (Mr Sam, tumor 9.8 cm shrank to 4 cm after consume 1 bottle a day for 6 days)
  4. Cancer patient gained strength with MonaVie Juice.
  5. Life's back to normal for stage 4 cancer patient (Mdm Lee)
  6. Reduce sugar level and blood pressure as well.


Jika anda berminat menjadi member MonaVie sila SMS 013 812 4190 (Emran) ataupun email mama_fatihah@yahoo.com atau pun tulis di wall FB Emran Kadar.

** Membership is RM60, FREE membership with purchase 2 cases (8 bottles) and above.

As a distributor the price will be:
Monavie Original 1 case (4 bottles) RM 408
2 cases (8 bottles) RM 751
3 cases (12 bottles) RM 1110

Monavie Pulse 1 case (4 bottles) Rm 445
2 cases (8 bottles) RM 790
3 cases (12 bottles) RM 1169


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